Participation in the research EnWiSol project of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems: Scientific-technical accompaniment of the pilot plant Gutleutmatten
- Solar thermal energy
- Energy supply
- District heating
- Market & policy
- Energy concept
- Pilot plant
- Consulting
- Knowledge transfer
- Pilot project
- Public funds
06/2013 – 05/2017 (4 years)
Scientists of Solites accompanied the realization of the pilot plants for solar assisted district heating systems since the mid-90s. Several research projects in the research programs Solarthermie-2000 and Solarthermie2000plus deepened the findings from the realization of the pilot plants.
Solites is involved in the research project “EnWiSol” to bring in the pilot project “Gutleutmatten” especially the experience in the development, simulation, design, construction and operation of the already realized pilot projects. This support includes the innovative, eligible plant and project development parts. Furthermore, the results of the research projects of Solites, namely SDHplus, UrbanSolPlus and Dezentral will be matched with the research project “EnWiSol”.
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (FhG-ISE), Freiburg, Germany
- Steinbeis Research Institute Solites
- Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (FhG-ISE)
- badenova Wärmeplus GmbH & Co. KG
Solites supports the project partners FhG-ISE and badenova and their contractors in the concept development, realization and the specification of operation strategies for the pilot project Gutleutmatten and in the development and implementation of the monitoring concept.
Solites supports the project partners FhG-ISE and badenova and their contractors with simulations and participation in project meetings, consultation of scientists and planners, review of technical documents, inspection of the pilot plants during construction, etc. according to the needs on site.
Scientific and technical support for the pilot project Gutleutmatten of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and the badenova WärmePlus GmbH & Co. KG in Freiburg, Germany.
Participation in the research project EnWiSol of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in the work package for scientific-technical accompaniment of the pilot plant Gutleutmatten.
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Dirk Mangold
This project has received funding from
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