Renewable District Heating 2020
Multifunctional District Heating as Heat Hub
- Storage
- Solar thermal energy
- Energy supply
- District heating
- Consulting
- Study
- Knowledge transfer
- Development
- Research
- Pilot project
- Public funding
10/2017 – 09/2022 (5 years)
3.8 m. EUR
Until the year 2022 the share of CO2-neutral heat in the district heating network of the city Hennigsdorf will be increased from 50 to 80 %. To reach this target, waste heat from the local steelworks, solar thermal as well as power-to-heat from renewable surplus electricity will be integrated into the dirstrict heating and a multifunctional heat storage will be built.
- Kraftwerks- und Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH & Co KG
- Stadtwerke Hennigsdorf GmbH
- Ruppin Consult GmbH
- Steinbeis Research Institut Solites
- tetra ingenieure GmbH
Based on a climate protection concept, the development to a sustainable district heating for the city of Hennigsdorf was decided in 2015. The share of heat from renewable and CO2-neutral sources will be increased to 80 % by the following steps:
- Use of waste heat from the local steelworks
- Increase of solar thermal heat production (central and decentral)
- Power-to-heat from renewable surplus electricity (project WindNODE)
- Use of all potential for optimisation of the efficiency of the district heating network and the consumer substations
- Dismantling of all old heat plants still burning coal and oil
- Realisation of a multifunctional heat storage with 22,000 m³ and a buffer tank with 1,000 m³ water volume
In a previous funded project a concept was worked out including the scientific and technical basis to optimise the district heating and the heat supply with CO2-neutral heat. This concept is now implemented in detailled planning and realisation step by step by the consortium together with further companies. The realisation of the innovative plants and the construction work as well as the scientific accompaniment and monitoring is funded in this joint project.
Solites carries out the scientific-technical accompaniment, monitoring and evaluation of the pilot project in Hennigsdorf and develops a scientific basis, how the pilot realisation of Hennigsdorf can be applied to other cities in the future.
In early summer 2019 the integration of the waste heat from the steelworks was realised successfully. A new heating station was built up to transport the waste heat into the district heating system.
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Dirk Mangold
Magdalena Berberich
This project has received funding from
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