Current projects

Current projects

ConnectHeat2022/10 – 2025/09ConnectHeat is the first European initiative to develop heating and cooling communities in Europe, putting public authorities and citizens at the heart of the energy transition.Public funds
Feasibility Study for the Wärmenetze 4.0 Project in Hechingen (Germany)

since 2019/02This study investigates how a heat supply can be achieved with a high fraction of renewable energies for a development area in Hechingen with the aim to achieve 100 % renewable energy sources.Public funds

2019/07 - 2022/06Testing the decentralized solar heat feed-in into a municipal district heating network with an experimental station on a real scalePublic funds

2019/04 - 2022/03Improving the capacities of public authorities to develop and implement local strategies and action plans for enhancing the use of endogenous renewable energy sources in small district heating networksPublic funds
Solar Thermal Energy for the District Heating System in Ettenheim
2019/03 - 2019/10A solar thermal plant is included in the existing district heating network in Ettenheim to increase the ratio of renewable energy.Private financing
Carbon Neutrality of All German Mercedes-Benz Factories in 2022
2019/01 - 2019/08First studies for a sustainable heat supply of the factory in Bad Cannstatt by solar thermal energyPrivate financing
Validate Frost

2018/09 - 2020/08Evaluation of the "minus 3 °C limit" which is determined as a minimal inlet temperature for the operation of borehole heat exchanger systems.Public funds

2018/09 - 2019/12Transformation of Tübingen's distrct heating system "Südstadt" into a "District Heating 4.0 System"Public funds
Seasonal Heat Storage for Phase Out of Coal-Fired Power in Berlin
2018/09 - 2019/05Preconceptions for possible seasonal heat storages in order to realize the phase out of coal-fired power generation in Berlin by 2030.n/a
Heat Storage to Optimize Own Generated Electricity at KIT
2018/08 - 2019/05Dimensioning of a possible heat storage to optimize own generated electricity at KIT Campus Nordn/a
Upgrade DH

2018/05 - 2021/04Improving the performance of inefficient district heating networksPublic funds
LowEx Herten
2018/04 - 2019/09Development of an economically, ecologically and socially optimal heat supply concept for the conversion area of the former Westerholt colliery in Gelsenkirchen-HertenPrivate financing

2018/01 - 2020/12The Austrian lead project gigaTES aims at developing giga-scale storage concepts for urban districts with integrating large shares of renewables focusing on Austrian implementations.Public funds
Renewable District Heating 2020

2017/10 - 2022/09Until the year 2022 the share of CO2-neutral heat in the district heating network of the city Hennigsdorf will be increased from 50 to 80 %. To reach this target, the district heating network is changed to a multifunctional heat hub.Public funds

2017/10 - 2021/09Development of technical innovations that enables district heating networks to operate at lower temperatures. Therefore, heat losses can be reduced and a higher share of renewable and excess heat is possible.Public funds
IEA-DHC Annex XII Project 03

2017/10 - 2020/03The project contributes towards the development of data, information and analysis tools to encourage the use of cost-effective large scale aquifer and pit thermal energy storage in smart district heating and cooling systems.Private financing
Integrated Energy Concept Königsbronn (Germany)

2017/10 - 2018/12Concept of a renewable heat supply for the district "at the foundry" in the German municipality of Königsbronn within the framework of an integrated energy conceptPublic funds
Solar Thermal Energy for the City of Freiberg a. N. (Germany)

2017/09 - 2018/08Concept and simulation of solar thermal energy production including a thermal energy storage for the new Oscar-Paret-School and the surrounding quarter in the German city Freiberg am NeckarPublic funds
Solnet 4.0

2017/08 - 2019/12Solnet 4.0 is a cooperation of industry and research aiming at the market development of solar district heating in Germany.Public funds
Private financing
SolnetBW II

2017/04 - 2019/03The Solnet.BW II project aims at promoting and increasing the use of solar district heating in Baden-Württemberg.Public funds

2016/06 - 2019/06Predicting the effects of decentralized integration of heat from renewable energy sources and other heat generators into district heating networksPublic funds

2016/04 - 2020/03Research to improve the quality assurance of borehole heat exchangers (BHE). Examination of divers influences on the grouting quality of BHE by experiments and evaluation of the results concerning technical, economic and ecological aspects.Public funds
EWS-tech II

2016/04 - 2019/12Within the joint research project EWS-tech II examinations on the grouting quality of borehole heat exchangers (BHE) are carried out. These examinations result in a recommendation catalog for grouting materials that can e.g. be used by legislators or grouting material manufacturers.Public funds
Solar Thermal Greenhouse Heating in South Korea

2016/04 - 2017/07Feasibility study for a solar thermal greenhouse heating with seasonal thermal energy storagePrivate financing

2016/01 - 2018/12Advanced policies and market support measures for mobilizing solar district heating investments in European target regions and countries.Public funds
Study for the Heat Transition in the Region Eifel and Trier (Germany)

2015/11 - 2016/04Possibilities and strategies for a regional heat transition in the rural area Eifel and TrierPublic funds
Energy Efficiency in Care Homes for the Elderly

2015/06 - 2018/10Support of energy efficiency in care homes by non- and low-investment measuresPublic funds

2015/05 - 2018/04Decentralised heat supply from renewable energies into the CHP based district heating network of the Stadtwerke Düsseldorf AGPublic funds
Solarbioenergy Village Mengsberg (Germany)
2015/04 - 2016/08TRNSYS simulations for a solarthermal plant of a new district heating system in the German village MengsbergPrivate financing

2014/12 - 2016/11SCFW develops an Excel tool based on ScenoCalc for calculation of the solar net gain of solar thermal systems that are integrated into district heating networks.Public funds
DK Monitoring

2014/06 - 2018/12Monitoring and evaluation of four danish pilot plants for solar district heating with seasonal thermal energy storagePublic funds

2014/03 - 2017/03The SmartReFlex project aims at increasing the diffusion of smart and flexible district heating and cooling (DHC) systems, basing on high shares of renewable energy sources (RES), in European cities.Public funds

2013/11 - 2017/10PITAGORAS develops concepts for the utilization of industrial waste heat and solar heat for the heat and power supply of the industrial system itself and the additional feed-in of heat in district heating networks.Public funds

2013/06 - 2017/05Participation in the research project EnWiSol of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in the work package for scientific-technical accompaniment of the pilot plant Gutleutmatten.Public funds