Solid has been developing a concept for supplying up to 25% of district heating of Graz with solar thermal energy and a seasonal storage in late 2015.
Today, the project has developed reaching significant milestones. The land for both, the storage and the solar collectors is secured. The consortium consisting of VKR/Arcon-Sunmark, Energie Steiermark, Christof Industry and initiator Solid has recently announced the project progress to the media.
As per today, the project is designed to be resized to 220,000 m² and will be built as originally intended in the south of Graz. Together with a storage of approximately 900,000 m³ the system will cover 15% of the annual district heating demand of the city of Graz.
The plan is to move on with detailed engineering and permitting within the next months and start the construction in 2019.
Source: Solid