Looking closely at contributing projects and listening to outside market information is vital to the success of SHC Task 55, which deals with the implementation of very large solar thermal systems (including large scale seasonal storages, large scale heat pumps etc.) in DHC networks.
Without the right team in place, any Task and its objectives can be challenged. Because of this, the operating agent of Task 55 has connected its core expert participants, their projects and stakeholders in four dynamic Subtask teams. All actors involved have commitment to their group and share the Task 55 vision of large scale solar thermal district heating and cooling installations globally.
Thrity five experts have participated in the third Task Meeting on 27 and 28 October 2017 in Abu Dhabi, more than 60 % of the participants represent SDH industry. Researchers as well as industry partners have the same target – to enhance the market activities of large scale SDHC up to Gigawatt level.
More information: Task website, Twitter